


The call for the year 2024 is now closed. The call for 2025 will open next spring.


The courses for PhD students for the XL cycle will start on November 1st.


XL SERIES (November 1st, 2024 - October 31st, 2027)


- The final ranking can be found HERE


- The ranking of the candidates who qualified for the oral interview can be found here.

- The oral interviews results can be found here.

- The evaluations of all candidates can be found here.

- The schedule of the interviews can be found here.

Candidates are reminded that the password to view the files was sent by the PICA system at the time of submitting the application.

Instructions and tutorials for using ZOOM are available here: is external) is external)




Please take a look at the Flyer presenting our PhD in Psychological Sciences


Attendance is expected in presence for all students of Psychological Sciences.

Available positions for the XL Series: 
8 positions on topics proposed by the applicants
2 positions on pre-determined project topics - 
click here for a brief description of the research topics.

Further opportunities (regarding, for example, the accommodation) are detailed in the announcement (see articles 12, 13 and 14). Please make sure to consider these before finalizing your application.

All positions are supported by a scholarship and are open to Italian or international applicants.

About 50 students are currently enrolled in our PhD Program in Psychological Sciences, with on average 10-15 new students enrolled each year. Financial support is provided for the three years either through University funding or through external, private or public funding, generally granted for a specific research project (the number and topics of such Specific PhD Research themes varies every year).

All positions include a mandatory training period spent abroad of minimum 3 consecutive months. Some positions require longer periods abroad and/or a traineeship period at a partner company (more detailed information can be found in the call).

To follow you can find the most important information regarding the admission procedure:

An admissions committee reviews all applications and evaluates each applicant based on their CV, a research project proposed by the applicant, two reference letters, and a motivation letter.

The admission to the PhD Program is based on the careful assessment of applicants’ preparation, motivation, and, most of all, research aptitude.

The Call for Admission and the PhD Course Table  have been published on April 9th  2024.

Applicants expected to graduate by September 30th 2024 can apply. Successful applicants who fail to graduate by this date will not be able to enroll in the PhD Program and will lose the position.

Applications can be submitted from  9th April 2024 exclusively through the online procedure available at the link:

It is crucial that applicants read carefully the instructions specified at the following  link

Applications submitted by email will not be considered.

The Application must be completed and finally submitted within the final deadline of May 13th 2024 at 13:00 CEST. Later application will not be considered.


The following documents (all written in English language) must be provided by the applicants and attached to the application form:

1) Copy of a valid Identification Document.

2) Curriculum Vitae. Please use the standard format that can be found following this link. Please make sure you carefully fill out all the requested fields with detailed information. Only CVs presented in the standard format (see above) will be evaluated.

3) Research project (this must fit any of the research lines/interests of the PhD Program Faculty members; the research lines proposed by the Faculty members can be viewed following the link "Professors" on the left and accessing the personal page of each member). Please, use the following format:

Project Title


State of the art

 (max 500 words)


Project objectives

 (max 500 words)


Project description (activities, methodologies, expected results)

 (max 700 words)


Working program (including time scheduling)

 (max 500 words)





4. Statement of purpose/motivation letter (500 words, max.)

5. Publications, if available.


In the Application form applicants are requested to indicate 2 Referees (professors, researchers or teachers) who will be asked to provide a reference letter through the online procedure.

After closing their application the applicants will have to enter a dedicated “reference letters” section and provide all information on the Referees. The deadline for entering such information and requesting the reference letters is the same as the closing date for applications, i.e. May 13th 2024 at 13:00 CEST. The request will be sent to the referees only after the application has been fully submitted by the applicant.
The referees will be automatically notified by the system and will have to personally complete the reference letter section through the online procedure and submit it by the final deadline of May 17th 2024 at 13:00 CEST.

Due to the tight schedule of these deadlines the applicants are warmly recommended to contact their potential referees well ahead of submitting the application.

Reference letters directly provided as attached document by the applicant will not be taken into consideration.

The application procedure is fully electronic and no paperwork needs to be delivered or sent to the University’s offices.

There will be a pre-selection procedure based on the evaluation of:

  • Curriculum vitae (max 27 points). This includes education and any relevant research, training or work experience. For the bachelor degree the final mark will be considered. For the master degree the average score obtained in the exams passed by the applicant at the time of the application will be considered. Relevant grants, fellowships, honours or prizes obtained by the applicant will also be considered, as well as English language competence (certification not compulsory).
  • Publications (max 5 points).
  • Research project (max 12 points)
  • Motivation statement and reference letters (max 6 points).

The pre-selected applicants will be admitted to an oral interview. The ranking of applicants admitted to the interview, together with the time and place for the interview, will be published on June 7th 2024 on this website.

The oral interview (max 50 points) will be held in English language and it consists in a discussion on the research project proposed by the applicant, the applicant’s CV and motivation statement.

Interviews will start on June 11th 2024 at 8:30 am (and may need to continue on June 17th and following days, depending on the number of applicants admitted). The interview can take place remotely (via Zoom) exclusively for those applicants who selected this option in their admission form. In such case, applicants must guarantee (and take complete responsibility for it) that they will connect on the day and time of their oral examination and that they will use a good quality connection and webcam in order to be correctly identified by the Selection Committee.

The final ranking will be published from July 2nd  2024 on the University's official register and available at the University of Padova website:


General information on the admission procedure

The application should contain information about:

1. University degrees (bachelor and master);

2. Any documented training or working experience relevant to research or to psychological sciences; 

3. English competence (a minimum B2 level CEFR is highly recommended). Certifications of English language will be positively evaluated, though they are not mandatory to apply. 

4. Two reference letters by professors/researchers or teachers (which must be submitted online directly by the referee within May 17th 2024 at 13:00 CEST);

5. A research project (this must fit any of the research lines/interests of the PhD Program Faculty members; the research lines proposed by the Faculty members can be viewed following the link "Professors" on the left and accessing the personal page of each member). References are excluded from the word count, they must be numbered and listed once for the whole project;

6. Statement of purpose/motivational letter.



Applications missing any of the following shall NOT BE CONSIDERED:
- valid ID document
- signature on application
- payment of contribution of 30 Euro







 PhD Program Office Manager: