Laura Carnevali

Laura Carnevali's picture
37 cycle

Research interests

In the area of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, my main research interests concern:

- development of bio-behavioural synchrony within dyadic interactions

- predictive processing skills in early infancy

- interpersonal synchrony and neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorders)



Carnevali, L., Valori, I., Mason, G., Altoè, G., Farroni, T., (2024). Interpersonal motor synchrony in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1355068

Carnevali, L., Della Longa, L., Farroni, T., (2024) Touch and look: the role of affective touch in promoting infants’ attention towards complex visual scenes. Infancy, 29(2), 271-283. doi: 10.1111/infa.12580

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., & Farroni, T. (2023). The role of affective touch in modulating emotion processing among preschool children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology235, 105726. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105726

Valori, I., Carnevali, L., Farroni, T. (2023). Agency and reward across development and in autism: A free-choice paradigm. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284407. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0284407

Valori, I., Carnevali, L., Mantovani, G., Farroni, T., (2022). Motivation from Agency and Reward in Typical Development and Autism: Narrative Review of Behavioral and Neural Evidence. Brain Sciences, 12(10):1411. doi:10.3390/brainsci12101411

Carnevali, L., Gui, A., Jones, E.H., Farroni, T., (2022). Face processing in early development: a systematic review of behavioural studies and considerations in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.778247

Farroni, T., Valori, I., & Carnevali, L. (2022). Multimedia Interventions for Neurodiversity: Leveraging Insights from Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience to Build an Innovative Practice. Brain Sciences12(2), 147. doi:10.3390/brainsci12020147

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Patron, E., Dragovic, D., & Farroni, T. (2021). Psychophysiological and Visual Behavioral Responses to Faces Associated with Affective and Non-affective Touch in Four-month-old Infants. Neuroscience464, 67-78. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.07.053



Carnevali, L., Pezzotti, S., Farroni, T., Lucangeli, D. (2023). Le 10 attività da fare assieme nei primi 3 anni. Percorsi di gioco per costruire lo sviluppo armonico dei figli (Vol. 3). Erickson.

Carnevali, L., Pezzotti, S., Farroni, T., Lucangeli, D. (2023). Dall'io al noi, 2-3 anni. Percorsi e attività per stimolare l'intelligenza comunicativa (Vol. 2). Erickson. 

Carnevali, L., Pezzotti, S., Farroni, T., Lucangeli, D. (2022). Dall'io al noi. Percorsi e attività per stimolare l'intelligenza comunicativa nei bambini da 0 a 12 mesi (Vol. 1). Erickson. 


Oral/poster presentations

Carnevali, L., Blanco, B., Ilyka, D., Rozhko, M., Weiss, S.M., Clackson, K., Greenhalgh, I., Lee, K., Farroni, T., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox S. (2024, July 9). Bridging social ties to brain wires: a longitudinal approach to neonatal task-free functional connectivity and early interactions. The International Congress of Infant Studies, ICIS, Glasgow, Scotland. Poster

Carnevali, L., Blanco, B., Ilyka, D., Rozhko, M., Weiss, S.M., Clackson, K., Greenhalgh, I., Lee, K., Farroni, T., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox S. (2024, March 28). A longitudinal investigation of neonatal task-free functional connectivity and early interactions in the home settings. ConTakt Meeting, TU Dresden. Oral presentation

Carnevali, L., Valori, I., Della Longa, L., Farroni, T. (2024, February 8-10). Social rhythms in typical development and autism: do time contingency and social engagement matter? Cognitive Science Arena, Brixen. Poster

Carnevali, L., Blanco, B., Ilyka, D., Rozhko, M., Weiss, S.M., Clackson, K., Greenhalgh, I., Lee, K., Farroni, T., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox S. (2023, September 14-15). Investigating Task-Free Functional Connectivity in Neonates at Home using High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography: Potential Associations with Caregiver-Infant Interactive Behaviours. fNIRS UK 2023 Conference; Colchester (Essex, UK). Poster - Obtained poster award 

Carnevali, L., Blanco, B., Ilyka, D., Rozhko, M., Weiss, S.M., Clackson, K., Greenhalgh, I., Lee, K., Farroni, T., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox S. (2023, July 7th). Studying Task-Free Functional Connectivity in Neonates using High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography in Home Settings. fNIRS Italy 2023 Conference; Padova. Oral presentation and poster

Carnevali, L., Valori, I., Mason., G., Altoè, G., Farroni, T. (2023, May 26th) Do we really know anything of Interpersonal Motor Synchrony in Autism? Conference and workshop: Interpersonal Synchrony and Its Relevance for Attachment & Caregiving - University of Essex; Colchester. Poster

Carnevali, L., Valori, I., Mason., G., Altoè, G., Farroni, T. (2023, March 7th). Do we really know anything of Interpersonal Motor Synchrony in Autism? Child Development Forum - MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit; Cambridge. Oral presentation

Carnevali, L., Della Longa., L., Valori, I., Farroni, T. (2022, Sept 27-30). Does temporal contingency differentially drive children’s choices for social and non-social stimuli during preschool years? XXX Congresso Nazionale AIP; Padova. Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Valori, I., Farroni, T. (2022, Sept 27-30). Preschoolers’ perception of facial expressions: the role of affective touch in facilitating the discrimination of emotions from faces. XXX Congresso Nazionale AIP; Padova. Oral presentation

Valori, I., Carnevali, L., Della Longa, L., Farroni, T. (2022, Sept 27-30). The role of agency and reward in modulating free choices of children with asd or typical development. XXX Congresso Nazionale AIP; Padova. Oral presentation

Carnevali, L., Farroni, T. (2022). Neural entrainment in infancy: the role of social signals in early dyadic interactions. XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive (SIPF). Oral presentation

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Farroni, T.  (2022). Touching your emotions: the role of affective touch in promoting recognition of facial expressions among preschool children. XXX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive (SIPF). Poster

Carnevali, L., Della Longa, L., Farroni, T. (2022). The rhythm of touch enhances infants’ attention towards complex visual scenes. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development; Budapest, Hungary (Virtual conference). Poster

Carnevali, L., Della Longa, L., & Farroni, T. (2021). In contatto: il ruolo dell'esperienza tattile condivisa nel facilitare l'attenzione verso l'altro in infanti di 6-11 mesi. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP della Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione; Bari (Italy). Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Farroni, T, (2021). Tocco affettivo: punto di contatto tra il sè e l’altro. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP della Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione; Bari (Italy). Oral presentation

Carnevali, L., Della Longa, L., Farroni, T. (2021). Does sharing affective tactile experiences contribute to early understanding of preferences manifested by others’? SPSP Origins of the Social Mind Pre-Conference; USA (Virtual conference). Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Farroni, T.  (2021). Newborns’ physiological sensitivity to different tactile stimulations. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest (Virtual conference). Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Patron, E., Farroni, T. (2019). The role of affective touch in modulating visual preference to faces in early infancy. Interdisciplinary Network of Researchers in Touch, Nottingham. Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Farroni, T. (2019). Does affective touch modulate visual preference to faces in early infancy? A psychophysiological investigation. Cognitive Science Arena (CSA), VII edition, Bressanone. Poster

Della Longa, L., Carnevali, L., Patron, E., Farroni, T, (2019). Differenze individuali nella percezione di volti associate a tocco nei bambini di 4 mesi: basi psicofisiologiche e componenti ambientali. Congresso Nazionale AIP, Napoli (Italy). Oral presentation


Jan 2023 - ongoing: Visiting PhD student at Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge. Supervisor: Prof Mark H. Johnson 

2021 - ongoing: PhD student in Psychological Sciences (37th cycle), University of Padova. Supervisor: Prof Teresa Farroni

2021 (5 months): Grant holder, University of Padova. 

2020 - 2021 (5 months): Research assistant, University of Padova. 

2019 - 2020 (6 months): Research internship, CBCD Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck University of London. Supervisor: Prof Emily Jones

2019 - 2020 (6 months): Erasmus+  Individual mobility SEND, Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (loPPN), King's College London. Supervisor: Dr Amy Goodwin

2017 - 2019: MSc in Developmental Clinical Psychology, University of Padova. 110/110 cum laude. Thesis: Affective touch and face processing in a multisensory world: a psychophysiological perspective. 

2014 - 2017: BSc in Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Padova. 105/110. Thesis: Optimism, hope and resilience in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders