Tubertini Elena

Ritratto di Tubertini Elena
38 cycle
Stanza 2019, CLA, V piano, Via Venezia, 16, 35131 Padova (PD)

Research interests

Community Psychology

Gender Inequalities, LGBTQ+ Psychology

Minority Stress and Minority Joy

Social Determinants of health: Marginalization, Homelessness and Housing

Positive Psychology, Strenghts-based approaches, Capabilities, Empowerment and Well-being


Tubertini, E., Carbone, A., & Santinello, M. (2023). Staff Members’ Experience of Italian Shelters for LGBTQIA+ Homeless and Runaway People: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(13), 6214. 

Tubertini, E., Foschi, C., Gaboardi, M., Marino, C. Lenzi, M. (2023). Valutazione del benessere nei servizi per persone LGBTQ+ senza dimora: una rassegna sistematica (Conference Oral Presentation). 14th SIPCO Conference - Imagining equitable communities, promoting sustainable change. Aosta, Italy. 

Lasagna, C.; Tubertini, E. (2023). The intersection of vulnerability factors within the LGBTI homeless population. (Conference Oral Presentation). Beyond Genders. Intersectionality between theory and practice. Interdisciplinary gazes, Turin, Italy. 24-25 November 2023.

Tubertini, E.; Lenzi, M.; Gaboardi, M.; Curiale, C.; Marinucci, M.; Riva, P. (2024). Making choices: Increased Choice Opportunities is linked with better-Perceived Health among People Experiencing Homelessness. Community Psychology in Global Perspective. [IN PRESS].

Lasagna, C.; Tubertini, E. (2024). L'intersezione dei fattori di vulnerabilità all'interno della popolazione LGBTI senza fissa dimora. In Research Center for Women's and Gender Studies – CIRSDe (Eds.) Studi di Genere. Convegni. Vol. 8 [IN PRESS].

Tubertini, E.; Tacconi, E.; Pillon, M.; Grasso, M. (2024). Rising Identities: An Italian Photovoice Project with the LGBTQ+ Community. (Conference Poster Presentation). 2nd Conference Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology, University of Milan Bicocca (26-28 June 2024).  

Tubertini, E.; Lasagna, C.; Morzenti, G.; QUORE APS. (2024). Policy Brief: Qualitative-quantitative study of the experiences of LGBTIQ+ homeless individuals and the housing services that are in place to support them. 



Altre informazioni: 
I'll be away on my Visiting Period (UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, Dublin, Ireland) from 13/09/2024 until 9/03 2024. You can reach me by email or Zoom while I'm abroad.