


11th June  2024 - h 12.00, Room T1 – CLA (Language Centre Building) – Via Venezia, 16:  

Adolescents’ Ethnic-Racial Identity Development is an Important Competency to Foster in School: Why We Must Engage Teachers in this Work -  Flyer + Abstract

Prof. Adriana Umaña-Taylor - Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA


20th June  2024 - 10.00, Room T1 – CLA (Language Centre Building) – Via Venezia, 16:  

Vulnerability and Resilience to Adversity: Neurodevelopmental and Social Pathways in Children and Adolescents -  Flyer + Abstract

Prof. Jonas Miller - Professor of Psychological Science at the University of Connecticut, USA



Thursday h.12:30

Hall T4 (ground floor) - CLA Building (Via Venezia, 16)

Students at the third year of the PhD program present their work to the academic community. Attendance is open to all members of the Psychological Departments.

At the end we will share a light lunch in the outside square, or in AMU room. We will offer some lunch options to be booked via a dedicated link (shared weeklly on our the mailing list). You are also welcome to join and bring your own lunch.

 May 2, 2024

 Sara Iannattone


 No-body is perfect: Risk and protective factors of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders symptoms in Italian adolescents

 Daniela Di Michele


 Engaging men in gender equality movements: how the reframing of gender inequality affects Italian men's collective action intentions

 May 9, 2024

 Elisa Tedaldi


 The role of information processing in sustainable energy and meat consumption

 Libera Ylenia Mastromatteo


 On the Psychophysiological and Environmental Determinants of Cooperative Behavior

 May 16, 2024

 Margherita Calderan


 On a roller coaster: the influence of internal states on learning and cognitive control

 Lisa Toffoli


 Adapting to change: the role of neurodevelopment and context in cognitive control dynamics

 May 23, 2024

 Gabriela Gjinaj


 Design and evaluation of a series of experimental procedures to investigate cognition in fish at early developmental stages and in adulthood

 Carolina Maria Oletto


 Central vision shapes peripheral perception, until it doesn't: A dive beyond traditional visual models

 May 30, 2024

 Valentina Simonetti


 Exploring Kinematic features of roots movement: a new perspective for the study of cognition

 Laura Carnevali


 Bodies in synch: exploring predisposing mechanisms of interpersonal synchrony across typical development and autism

 June 6, 2024

 Sebastiano Cinetto


 AI based closed-loop neurorehabilitation for stroke patients with visuospatial deficits

 Alessandra Pecunioso


 Aim at the target with your heart: Cardiac and ocular correlates of preparation for action

 June 20, 2024

 Zhimin Hu


 Lies, Bias, and Mouse: How a Foreign Language Mucks With our Mind

 Angelica Ronconi


 Lost in Transition? Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Affective Effects of Digital Learning Resources on Adolescents